What are the four stages of developing your business?

When you start a business, you usually do everything yourself. You answer phone calls, buy stationery, do archiving and carry out many other tasks that require your time and attention from the most important things – get new clients. nothing wrong with that. You don’t want to remortgage your home and hire staff at this stage.

But most people are trapped at this stage. They did not realize that to grow a business and after changing good profits year after year they had to hire staff and get help and then duplicate themselves. So stage one gets staff to help.

Stage One: Get staff to help you

Recruitment staff at this stage are easy, despite your costs. However, after training your staff members and free time you can grow more businesses. Remember, happy employees plus happy customers means you make money. High-performance organizations have learned that people will work harder if they feel part of something they can be proud of. Create an environment where your employees feel part of the team and “family” at work.

Stage two: Build a business

After you get more free time, you need to continue building a business. This means hours. But if you like what you do and you have a plan, it is easy hard work.

Stage Three: Duplication itself

This is where everything can stick it. Not because it’s difficult, but because it means trusting others for your work and handling your clients. It involves courage. That means stepping away from business and realizing it is something by itself. This also means trusting other people to do your work and make money for you. You just need to find the right person and make it very excited about your business.

Stage Four: Duplicate Business
The difference between small businesses and multimillion pound companies is some outlets. Look at McDonald’s or Starbucks. Duplication is a very common story in business. For one successful and double business with 100. That’s how the business changes from a small one to big.

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